Diane Arbus (Matthaei family portraits)
Walker Evans
Richard Avedon
Tony Vaccaro
Larry Clark
Portraiture was all about taking pictures of the 'rich and famous' who payed photographers to have their pictures taken. They were in possession of their pictures. When photographers like Tony Vaccaro and Dian Arbus took over, they changed it so that the pictures became their own and the person behind the camera had control over them, these photographers turned these pictures into stories and how they wanted them to be.
Tony Vaccaro took celebrity pictures with his Leica camera and one thing he always kept the same was trying to get the decisive moment. When taking photos of famous people, he'd pause or trick them that his camera was faulty and when they dropped out of their masks he then took the shot and that was the decisive moment. Tony liked taking natural pictures of people and who they really were behind the camera like he took pictures of real
Portrait of Picasso.The moment where he does the trick and then drops the camera 'the decisive moment'
How this compares to other portrait photographers
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