Thursday, 28 November 2013

Lasso = L key
Quickmask = Q key
Modify the edge of selection  = Select/Modify/Expand
Turn the selection into a layer= cmd/ctrl J
Move the Layer to another Photo= Move tool =V key drag to another photo
Scale the layer= cmd/ctrl T
Copy the Layer= cmd/ctrl J

i took two separate photos of Alan sugar and a bag of sugar then cropped out his head and the put in on to the bag of sugar. I then duplicated the layers and placed them in different areas also played around with the pictures using different keys above. 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

fashion photography

1When is an image a Portrait? When is it a fashion photograph? Are the two the Same?
It is a portrait when the photographer focuses on the person behind the camera's character and features while fashion photography focuses more on the clothes and fashion.

2. To what degree should an image manipulated to go into a fashion magazine?
      The degree to which images should be manipulated should be limited to the background in the photo and other unnecessary thing that are irrelevant in the shot. When a photo has been edited and photoshopped too much on a person, it completely changes the images of that person and it doesn't become realistic anymore but however, the main purpose of fashion is to attract people and advertise clothes and it requires some sort of dramatic look in order to catch the attention of target audience. 

this is an example of a before and after photo shoot of madonna. In this case photo it is quite needed for commercial purposes as she is a celebrity 

3. Is there a clash between the creative and commercial side of fashion Photography?

what clashes occur in the film between creative and creative?

the clash takes place in the editing room where commercial wins and gets rid of all the other pictures they didn't want. their main aim and belief is to make fashion fashion rich and famous which to them creative pictures are  plain and boring and that the public won't want to buy any of that. 

who wins? the commercial side of it wins. 

Do you agree and why? i agree to an extent because overly dramatic pictures is what sells these days. and people pay loads of money to have their photos taken and edited. even on social websites like facebook and instagram especially which is designed just for taking and editing them with filters. I support this point because i love editing pictures but not to a point where i end up distorting all the original details on them however, i do like creative pictures but not as much 

Thursday, 7 November 2013


Diane Arbus (Matthaei family portraits)
Walker Evans
Richard Avedon
Tony Vaccaro
Larry Clark                                                                  

Portraiture was all about taking pictures of the 'rich and famous' who payed photographers to have their pictures taken. They were in possession of their pictures. When photographers like Tony Vaccaro and Dian Arbus took over, they changed it so that the pictures became their own and the person behind the camera had control over them, these photographers turned these pictures into stories and how they wanted them to be. 

Tony Vaccaro took celebrity pictures with his Leica camera and one thing he always kept the same was trying to get the decisive moment. When taking photos of  famous people, he'd pause or trick them that his camera was faulty and when they dropped out of their masks he then took the shot and that was the decisive moment. Tony liked taking natural pictures of people and who they really were behind the camera like he took pictures of real 
soldiers dying during the war. 

Portrait of Picasso.The moment where he does the trick and then drops the camera 'the decisive moment' 

How this compares to other portrait photographers